How to Analyze a Belted Fan with EMPATH and Electrical Signature Analysis

Free Live Seminar for April 17, 2020 from noon to 1pm CST In this presentation we will work step-by-step how to analyze an electric motor, sheaves, belts and fan including related bearings using real field data. The demonstration will be with the EMPATH system but applies to other current and electrical signature analysis. GoToWebinar to…

SMRP Went to Congress to Advocate for Increasing Investments in Skills Training

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                               November 29, 2019 CONTACT :                                                                                  Howard W Penrose, Ph.D., CMRP President, MotorDoc® LLC Chair, SMRP Government Relations Cyber and Infrastructure SMRP (Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals) WENT TO CONGRESS TO ADVOCATE FOR INCREASING INVESTMENTS IN SKILLS TRAINING SMRP urged lawmakers to align workforce development policies with the needs…

The Importance of Reliability in Live Television Broadcasts: A Personal Experience

Reliability engineering and powerlifting.  Those who know me understand that I deep dive into both.  Although they seem diverse, there are a lot of things in common with powerlifting being a microcosm of safety, reliability and communication as humans and equipment are pushed to their limits.  In a powerlifting meet there are three lifts with…

Evaluating Direct-Current Motors Using Motor Circuit Analysis Basics

Howard W Penrose, Ph.D., CMRP MotorDoc LLC, The term MCA (Motor Circuit Analysis) is derived from a test method that provides information on the basic components of an alternate-current (AC) or direct-current (DC) electric motor. These basic components include: resistance, measured in Ohms; impedance, measured in Ohms; inductance, measured in Henries; the induction winding…

Evaluation of Offline Partial Discharge in Vacuum Environments

An evaluation of several insulation types at various degrees of vacuum using repetitive discharge inception and extinction voltage offline testing will be presented.  Insulation systems were evaluated in atmosphere and compared to values to 1mmHg using a commercial partial discharge surge tester.  The insulation systems evaluated include unvarnished windings, dip and bake epoxy, epoxy trickle…