Tech Tip All We Need to Do is Lubricate an Electric Motor Right?

Media bias is not only found related to politics and public policy, but also how we perceive the reliability and maintenance community.  From advertising dollars and marketing being presented as technical articles and information to the idea that ‘digital transformation’ solves everything, or that infrared is a complete electrical reliability program.  As noted in my…

Energy Savings through the Application of Neutral Harmonic Filter: A Case Study

It is established that neutral and ground harmonic content will load transformers and systems. Prior work has been limited as to the direct relationship of this additional loading on power consumption for a facility. Over the past 24 months applied research has been performed on the measured impact of neutral and ground harmonics and energy…

Voltage Unbalance and Motor Temperature

A common question we receive is: ‘what is the impact of voltage unbalance on temperature?’ With incoming power to facilities having challenges in many parts of the United States (and elsewhere) from aging grid and the rapid application of power electronics, this becomes a significant issue. Voltage unbalance is the variation from the average voltage…

EMPATH Continuous Monitoring Special Applications for Energy Analysis

The EMPATH™ family of Electrical Signature and Motor Current Signature Analysis (ESA/MCSA) systems go well beyond analyzing electric motors, generators and wind turbines.  It provides prognostic and time to failure estimation (TTFE) capabilities for AC/DC electric motors, synchronous machines, servo motors, machine tools, generators – including utility scale, and transformers.  Not only will it identify…

Concepts in Reliability Keeping it Simple and Random Thoughts

As I just mentioned to a friend – I seem to be waxing philosophical this past weekend as I complete reading “Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla, Biography of a Genius,” by Marc J Seifer. I would not have tripped over this and several other excellent texts had I not started returning to…

Evaluating Missing Wedges and Coil Movement with ESA IEEE Paper

Two significant issues in wind power asynchronous generators are magnetic wedge loss and coil movement resulting in winding faults.  Most of the time the failures occur unexpectedly or require borescope or visual inspections of the generator stators.  In this paper we will identify how both conditions can be detected during operation through Electrical Signature Analysis. …

Before and After Motion Amplification Testing of Fan Application

Initial testing of an ID fan performed in 2018 with corrections made and retesting performed with EMPATH analysis, GTI Predictive vibration analysis and RDI motion amplification. While values were not extreme in the pre-test, the resulting vibration destroyed fan bearings and other poor conditions which prevented the operation of the fan system. Testing was performed…

Time to Failure Estimation with ESA Series Part 1 Electric Motor Theory

As we start into ESA theories and application, we will have to spend a little time on electric motor theory.  As we will start out with a basic system, AC motors are the simplest in terms of operation and components, we will start out with AC induction motors.  Using this base knowledge, we can later…

EMPATH Electrical Signature Analysis for the Wind Industry for Generator and Powertrain

Free Seminar April 20, 2020 from noon to 1pm CST We will discuss the art of EMPATH data collection and analysis of wind turbine generators, gearbox, main bearings and blades from the voltage and current. We will discuss how the data is collected and the approach to analysis. This will be exclusive for wind companies…