Test Methods for the Impact of Motor Condition January 1, 2019hpenrose@motordocllc.comArchive, Electrical Reliability, Insulation Systems, Motor Diagnostics, Reliability, Uncategorized
Premium Efficiency Motor Selection and Application Guide January 1, 2019hpenrose@motordocllc.comArchive, Electrical Reliability, Management, Motor Diagnostics, Motor Management, Reliability, Uncategorized, US DOE
Impact of Balancing on Bearing Life and Machine Reliability January 1, 2019hpenrose@motordocllc.comArchive, Motor Diagnostics, Reliability, Uncategorized, Vibration
Insulation Resistance Simulation IEEE 2015 January 1, 2019hpenrose@motordocllc.comArchive, Electrical Reliability, Insulation Systems, Motor Diagnostics, Uncategorized Penrose, McKinnon and Frost
Insulation Resistance Simulation IEEE Paper 2014 January 1, 2019hpenrose@motordocllc.comArchive, Insulation Systems, Motor Diagnostics, Uncategorized Penrose, McKinnon and Frost
A Novel Approach to Industrial Assessments January 1, 2019hpenrose@motordocllc.comArchive, Electrical Reliability, Energy, Environment, Management, Motor Management, Physical Asset Management, Reliability, Uncategorized
DC Electric Motors Part 2 January 1, 2019hpenrose@motordocllc.comArchive, Electrical Reliability, Insulation Systems, Motor Diagnostics, Reliability, Uncategorized
2007 Uptime Variations in Hi-Pot Testing January 1, 2019hpenrose@motordocllc.comArchive, Electrical Reliability, Insulation Systems, Motor Diagnostics, Uncategorized
Comparing the ALL-TEST IV PRO 2000 and AWA IV December 31, 2018hpenrose@motordocllc.comElectrical Reliability, Motor Diagnostics, Uncategorized, Video Presentations