Reliability Engineering, Data Science, Machine Learning and Bias

When dealing with statistical analysis and probabilities its often the missing information that can be an issue.  This can result in bias when working in areas such as reliability, data science and machine learning that result in incorrect solutions.  We’ve seen that in such things as the percentage of type of motor failures, faulty IoT…

Energy Savings through the Application of Neutral Harmonic Filter: A Case Study

It is established that neutral and ground harmonic content will load transformers and systems. Prior work has been limited as to the direct relationship of this additional loading on power consumption for a facility. Over the past 24 months applied research has been performed on the measured impact of neutral and ground harmonics and energy…

Voltage Unbalance and Motor Temperature

A common question we receive is: ‘what is the impact of voltage unbalance on temperature?’ With incoming power to facilities having challenges in many parts of the United States (and elsewhere) from aging grid and the rapid application of power electronics, this becomes a significant issue. Voltage unbalance is the variation from the average voltage…